
IPM image film

Image film of the Institute of Process Engineering, Process Automation and Metrology (December 2020)

Publications of the FG Nuclear Technology/Soft Computing

Presentations and proceedings

Alt, S. et al.: "Overview of research topics in the field of nuclear safety research", Presentation to the IPM Institute Colloquium on 02.06.2021, Zittau, 2021

Poster contributions

Seeliger, A.; Kästner, W.; Alt, S.; Zacharias, F.; Hampel, U.; Kryk, H. & Palazzo, S.: Generic thermohydraulic and physicochemical analyses for the implementation of an ATHLET module for the simulation of thermohydraulic consequences of zinc borate deposits in the PWR core, poster contribution to the networking event "Wirtschaft trifft Wissenschaft", CELSIUZ Zittau, July 1, 2021

Publications of the FG Power Plant/Steam Generator and Combustion Technology

Presentations and Proceedings

Schneider, R., Pohl, R., Zschunke, T., Hofmeister, M.: Vergasung von Stroh in einem kleintechnischen Festbett-Gleichstrom-Vergaseraser, research article on the website and the Branchenticker Holzgas (issue 9.12.21) of FEE e.V., URL:, November 2021

Schillinger, L., Schneider, R.: Macadamia nut shells - alternative fuel for wood gas plants, research article on the website and the industry ticker Holzgas (issue 7.9.21) of FEE e.V., URL:, July 2021

Gocht, U., Zschunke, T.; Altmann, U. S.: Projekt RIK-Lausitz - Digitales Werkzeug zur Ermittlung der Klimawirksamkeit von Wasserdampf-Industrieprozessen, poster contribution to the network event "Wirtschaft trifft Wissenschaft", CELSIUZ Zittau, July 1, 2021

Publications in scientific journals

Thrän, Daniela (ed.), Pfeiffer, Diana (ed.): Methodenhandbuch Stoffstromorientierte Bilanzierung der Klimagaseffekte. Methoden zur Bestimmung von Technologiekennwerten, Gestehungskosten und Klimagaseffekten von Vorhaben im Rahmen des BMWi-Forschungsnetzwerkes Bioenergie / BMWi-Förderbereich "Energetische Biomassenutzung" In: Publication series "Energetic Biomass Utilization", Volume 04, 5th ed., Leipzig. ISBN 978-3-946629-58-0, ISSN (online): 2701-2719, DOI: 10.48480/ddpt-ys74

Herlitzius, Thomas (ed.): The energetic utilization of natural solid biomass. Technology, economy, ecology. In: Fortschritte Naturstofftechnik, Institut für Naturstofftechnik, Technische Universität Dresden, Springer Vieweg, 2021. ISBN 978-3-658-33496-3, ISBN: 978-3-658-33497-0 (eBook), ISSN: 2524-3365, ISSN (electronic): 2524-3373,

Research reports

Schneider, R., Titze, E., Salomo, B., Grusla, S., Pohl, R., Meinert, J., Zschunke, T.: Interim report on high-temperature conversion of residual and waste materials for energy services (HORA), SAB project, Zittau, 28.02.2021(downloadable here)

Schneider, R., Grusla, S., Hofmeister, M., Pohl, R., Zschunke, T.: Straw gasification, Zittau, 24.02.2021 (downloadable here)

Publications of the FG Mechatronic Systems

Presentations and Proceedings

Düsterhaupt, S.; Noack, I.; Worlitz, F.: Smart Farming - Enabling AI at the Edge Using Open Source Technology, Presentation at the IPM Institute Colloquium on 24.03.2021, Zittau, 2021

Poster contributions

Düsterhaupt, S.; Neumann, H.; Noack, I.; Worlitz, F.: Intelligent data analysis for the development of new diagnosis and optimization strategies in open source technologies, Landtagsmittel-Projektetreffen der HSZG, 23.06.2021

Research reports

Düsterhaupt, S.; Hoffmann, H.; Neumann, H.; Noack, I.; Rottenbach, T.; Shmachkov, M.; Vanek, C.: Energy-efficient magnetic bearings for applications under extreme environmental conditions - verification and experimental validation, final report, 03.11.2021

Publications in scientific journals

A comparative study of energy graph-based fault detection and isolation techniques as applied on data from physical lignite plant
Jan Hendrik Smith (NWU), George van Schoor (NWU), Kenneth R. Uren (NWU), Martin van Eldik (NWU), Frank Worlitz (HSZG)
In: Journal of Process Control, South Africa, November 2021

Publications of the Measurement/Process Automation Group

Presentations and proceedings

Herling, M.: THERESAnext Presentation and testing of the newly developed energy system model for plant coupling in electricity and heat supply, Oberlausitzer Energiesymposium 2021 & 30th Zittauer Energieseminar, Zittau, 04.-05.11.2021

Fiß, D.; Kühnel S.; Kornhuber, S.: A methodical approach for calculating the heat flows from a DC arc on insulating material surfaces; Conference proceedings "2nd Symposium on Polymeric Insulating Materials in Electrical Engineering of VDE Dresden e. V.", Zittau, 06.-07.10.2021

Herling, M.; Kittan, S.; Ebert, P.; Kratzsch, A.: Cellular energy system model for the development of intelligent operating algorithms of sector-coupled energy storage systems; Conference proceedings "53rd Power Plant Technology Colloquium", Dresden, 05.-06.10.2021

Vogel, C.: What role does cloud computing play in the use of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) in the context of digitization?, HSZG - Landtagsmittelprojektkonferenz, Online, 23.06.2021

Herling, M., Ebert, P.; Kittan, S.; Härtelt, S.; Kratzsch, A.: THERESAnext Development of an intelligent cross-technology gateway solution for sector coupling; Conference proceedings "Jahrestreffen 2021 des Forschungsnetzwerks Energiesystemanalyse", Jülich, 18.-20.05.2021

Poster contributions

Stephan, M.; Reinicke, S.; Kratzsch, A.; Wagner, M.; Kobelt, S.; Hampel, U.: Developing a radiation-field-based monitoring system for the transport and storage cask inventory during extended interim storage, Interdisciplinary research symposium On the safety of nuclear disposal practices 2021, Berlin, 10.-12.11.2021

Schäfer, T.; Gubsch, T.; Voß, T.; Vogel, C.; Klette, T.; Braun, S.; Kratzsch, A.: Development of a Carnot battery as a flexible electricity storage system for sector coupling of electricity and heat, "Wirtschaft trifft Wissenschaft", Zittau, 01.07.2021

Research reports

Braun, S.: Improving Flexibility of Fossil Fired Power Plants - Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, Elsevier (ISBN: 9780124095489; DOI:, October 2021

District heating with the help of the Saale: a transfer project of the Saxon university network Saxony⁵

Saxony⁵ is a joint project between five Saxon universities: Zittau/Görlitz University of Applied Sciences, HTW Dresden, Leipzig University of Applied Sciences, Zwickau University of Applied Sciences and Mittweida University of Applied Sciences.

Cleantech Initiative Ostdeutschland - Energy Storage Working Group

Video of the Cleantech Initiative Ostdeutschland Energy Storage Working Group: The implementation of innovative energy storage technologies is a key component in achieving climate targets and successfully implementing the energy transition in Germany.