
IPM image film

Image film of the Institute of Process Engineering, Process Automation and Metrology (December 2020)

Presentations and Proceedings

Brunnemann, J.; Vojacek, A.; Koltermann, J.; Kästner, W.; Hänel, J.; Altmann, U.-S.; Förster, T.; Grizi, R. & Mieck, S.: Maschinelles Lernen zur vereinfachten Erstellung und Wartung hybrider digitaler Zwillinge, Proceedings zum 54. Kraftwerkstechnischen Kolloquium, Dresden, 2022

Harm, U.; Kryk, H.; Hampel, U.; Kästner, W.; Alt, S. & Seeliger, A.: Lab Scale Experimental Studies for Modeling Possible Zinc Removal Efforts in LOCA Situations, Proceedings of 19th International Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-19), 2022

Braun, S.: "TMS - Thermo-Mechanical Electricity and Heat Storage", lecture at the opening of the Year of Science, Zittau, 05.10.2022

Gubsch, T.: "Green Technologies" - Green district heating of the future Workshop: "Kick-off meeting of energy-intensive leisure facilities" and "Ice rink and butterfly house Jonsdorf" on 04 - 05.11.2022


Poster contributions

Gubsch, T.; Steffan, C. (ILK Dresden), Lessmann, D. (BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg: AQVA-HEAT I - Development and initial testing of a vacuum liquid ice generator for the year-round use of surface waters as a heat source, colloquium "Thermal lake water utilization in the Leipzig region", Leipzig Institute for Energy, Leipzig, 04.05.2022

Herling, M.; Kittan, T.; I. Goikoetxea, Kratzsch, A.: Simulation environment for the development of intelligent operating algorithms for sector-coupling storage systems, 54th Power Plant Technology Colloquium, Dresden, 18-19.10.2022

Gubsch, T.; Steffan, C. (ILK), Lessmann, D. (BTU): AQVA-HEAT I - Development and initial testing of a vacuum liquid ice generator for the year-round use of surface waters as a heat source, Workshop, Zittau 10. and 22.11.2022


Publications in scientific journals

Vogel C.; Castillo Martinez H.; Lara Romero E.; Ugalde Tinoco R.: Screw sorting Application with 6 DOF UR5E Robot Arm, ACC JOURNAL 2022, Volume 28, Issue 1, June/2022, DOI: 10.15240/tul/004/2022-1-002

Fiß D.; Kühnel S.; Krzyszkowski E.; Kornhuber S.: Modeling of the temporal Behavior of the Surface Temperature of an Isolation Material Test Sample under an AC low Current Arc, ACC JOURNAL 2022, Volume 28, Issue 1, June/2022, DOI: 10.15240/tul/004/2022-1-003


Research reports

Salomo, B., Grusla, S., Schneider, R., Borowski, C., Zschunke; T.: "Solid Carbon Capture and Storage (SCCS) - Phase 1: Development and construction of a Bosch reactor", technical report, SAB project no. 100530482, Zittau, 09.11.2022

Salomo, B., Grusla, S., Schneider, R., Borowski, C., Zschunke; T.:  "Solid Carbon Capture and Storage (SCCS) - Phase 2: Acquisition of a Bosch reactor", technical report, SAB project no. 100540059, Zittau, 09.11.2022

Schneider, R., Grusla, S., Hofmeister, M., Pohl, R., Zschunke, T.:  "Slag crusher - process parameters, control variable determination and test behavior", technical report, VDI/VDE/IT, funding code: 16KN090621, Zittau, 13.07.2022

Klette, Torsten: Conception and model development of a steam compressor test field for experimental investigation of a reciprocating compressor, Master's thesis, Zittau, 30.06.2022

Schneider, R., Titze, E., Salomo, B., Pohl, R., Meinert, J., Zschunke, T.: "High-temperature conversion of residual and waste materials for energy services (HORA)", technical report, SAB project no. 100370882, Zittau, 29.04.2022

Schneider, R., Pohl, R.: "Variation of gasification medium temperature in fixed bed direct current gasification", measurement report, Zittau, 29.03.2022(downloadable here)


Print and online articles

Report by MDR Aktuell: "How German researchers want to make nuclear energy safer"(to the audio report), 31.01.2022

Sprechert, K.; Schäfer, T.: "Full steam ahead into the energy transition", Zeit Online(to the article), 24.03.2022

Haug, C. ; Schäfer, T.: "Why the steam engine has a future again thanks to the energy transition", MDR Wissen(to the article), 27.05.2022

Huke, W. ; Schäfer, T.: "Storing electricity with steam: Saxon researchers optimize new battery concept", video documentation and online article, MDR Wissen (to the articlewith video), 27.05.2022

"Thermomechanical storage", article in the 3-sat magazine Nano(to the video), 19.10.2022

Gubsch, T.; Steffan, C. (ILK Dresden): Energy crisis: "Soon icy river water will heat living rooms", article, Sächsische Zeitung, 28.11.2022 

Bayrischer Rundfunk, "New pumped storage in Bavaria: Is it still worth it?"(to the article), 29.11.2022

Schäfer, T.: "Making steam and storing electricity", article in the university magazine lauter.campus(to the article), Nov. 2022

Schäfer, T.: "Making steam and storing electricity", article in the online research ticker lauter.campus(to the article), Nov. 2022

Social media