Biomass to Power and Heat 2020

The planned decarbonization of the economy requires the use of alternative raw materials in many areas. There is a particular focus on the use of renewable raw materials, which, in addition to energy recovery, can also be used successfully in the field of material use, for example in the construction sector or in the use of fibers.
On June 13 and 14, 2024, the 27th symposium "Use of renewable raw materials" will take place, this year at the Institute of Wood Technology Dresden (IHD). The main topics on the first day will focus in particular on fibers. Both the provision of the available raw materials and their diverse utilization possibilities will be discussed.
The second day is dedicated to practical solutions in the field of construction. Here, the already established possibilities for building with straw and wood will be discussed. The whole event will be rounded off with an excursion to a particularly successful timber construction project.

Registrations are possible until May 31, 2024. The registration form and further information can be found here:



Institut für Holztechnologie Dresden gemeinnützige GmbH
Zellescher Weg 24
01217 Dresden

Partners and sponsors

Under the patronage of the Saxon State Ministry for Energy, Climate Protection, Environment and Agriculture.