The in-house simulation tool "DynStar" is used to model and simulate processes that can be described by system models based on algebraic equations and differential equations. This enables the simulation of the static and dynamic behavior of the process itself as well as its automation components (MSR systems). With the help of the integrated fuzzy shell, knowledge-based and data-based models can be easily realized and implemented. The creation of a model is block-oriented with the help of a graphical user interface as a human-machine interface. Thanks to its real-time capability and the implemented process interfaces, "DynStar" can be used for measuring, controlling, regulating, operating, monitoring and visualizing tasks.
Areas of application
The MLDyn simulation tool supports the design and testing of magnetic bearing applications and has been verified on several test benches. It contains models of the magnetic bearing control loops for completely active magnetic bearing rigid rotors and is programmed in "DynStar". MLDyn is used in research to determine the behavior of rotors in various operating and fault situations.
Fields of application
The MLDia diagnostic system is used to monitor and diagnose rotating machines with active magnetic bearings using the signals provided by the system. Characteristics are generated using signal-based and model-based methods. Knowledge-based fuzzy logic methods are used for fault diagnosis. The knowledge base for the creation of the fuzzy rules and their verification was developed using simulation calculations and experiments on several test benches.
Areas of application
The dSPACE development system is part of our laboratory equipment. Areas of application for this development tool are
Analysis of THermal-hydraulics of LEaks and Transients; developed by the Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS)
3D simulation code for hydraulic and thermohydraulic processes.
Experience in the simulation of
The Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Engineering Workbench(developed by National Instruments) is used for the measurement, control and regulation systems of our test facilities.
Algorithm development and application with MvTec HALCON, ImageJ/Fiji and OpenCV, e.g. for:
Our institute develops and implements applications for