The Energieseminar (Energy Seminar) is an independent knowledge platform for energy suppliers, industrial enterprises, commercial, trade and service companies as well as decision-makers from municipalities, administrations and public institutions. Free of commercial interests, the practice-oriented seminar contributes to advancing the transformation of energy supply in the area of tension between economic efficiency, environmental compatibility and security of supply.
The Oberlausitzer Energiesymposium (Upper Lusatian Energy Symposium) addresses the challenges associated with structural change in the region and focuses on current issues every two years. It offers a platform for interdisciplinary exchange between the region's innovators and for strengthening cooperation.
The conference language is German.
The conference programme and the possibility to register online is available at the following link:
Das Tagungsprogramm sowie die Möglichkeit zur Onlineanmeldung finden Sie bald unter folgendem Link: